Gründerin & Managing Partner

Communication Expert, Executive Leadership & Collaboration Coach , Agile & Conflict Coach, Keynote Speaker, Marketing Expert, Organizational Development, OKR

unerschrocken & sensibel
Jochen Tscheulin

Agile Culture Coach, Unternehmensreorganisation, OKR

wertschätzend & klar
Helen Scheithauer

Change Communication, Team & Agile Coach, OKR

verbindend & potential-orientiert
Ralph Schmidt

Agile Leadership Coach, Psychologe, Outdoor Trainer

inspirierend & ausführungs-orientiert
Oliver Kirchhof

Mindful Leadership Trainer, Leadership & Agile Coach

analytisch & emotional
Prof. Dr. Annika Wolf

Design Thinking & Innovation Coach, Int. Restrukturierung

connecting & analytical
Michael Böttcher

New Work, Cultural and Organizational Development

Daniela Lohmann

Agile Leadership Coach, Change Management

cosmopolitan & inspiring
Prof. Dr. Jonas Polfuss

Intercultural Trainer, Cross-cultural Communication & Management

cosmopolitan & inspiring
Susanne Katharina Ruff

Leadership & Agile Coach and Organizational Transformation

cosmopolitisch & motivierend
Corinna Birner

Intercultural & Global Learning Coach, Psychologin